Dinner & A Movie

 Dinner & A Movie

"I myself am strange and unusual"

This darkly edited, poorly resolved image of a few particular objects is meant to artistically display the theme of greed and obscurity.  This overall displays greed a family and specific characters learn over the time span of the movie. Dark filter casted over the landscape of the image. A grey border frames the image setting the grey landscape for a drab dinner setting.

Floor/Rug = Moving functioning underworld

Butterfly Case = Trapped reality/Enclosed beauty

Old Camera = Modern style that forces itself upon un-modern landscape

Plate = What a family holds valuable

Wooden Knife = Individuals trying to balance the fake world/Parallels in fake and real life hand made

Quarter = Dinner table 

Shrimp = Important part of movie, reality, parallel between family realizing the mess they have made


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